Tuesday, March 30, 2010

wish list

If you want something bad enough the whole universe conspires with you to achieve it. I'm probably not quoting right but it read something like that from Paulo Coelho. I've always always wanted to see Italy but have always put it off not sure why. Recently was reading eat pray love by Elizabeth Gilbert and I just had to go but the whole leave application, visa appointments, friends to go with seemed more of a deterrent. Next morning at work I have a mail in my inbox telling me that I need to be in Germany on work in May.. what's better its between the long may day weekend. Work sorts the visa so no hassels and my friends in france think it would be great to go as well..woohoo. Thank you universe rather maker of the universe..its awesome when we think the same way :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gilbert pronounced: jilbear

Traveling up the narrow winding road of chemin de la prouveresse into cabris a tiny village with its only claim to fame being Exupery (Little prince).. saw this tiny dilapadated cottage (if I can even call it a cottage).. me to g- hey you should buy this place and remodel it.
g- Gilbert still stays here and he's not going anywhere
me- How can anyone stay here
g- Gilbert's kept it this way since his wife died..he isn't concerned with too much that goes on around him.. he does odd jobs in the village when he needs some money, uses dishwashing liquid to clean his few cups and occasionally himself and when he's hard pressed (puns intended) he goes down to Cannes and picks up the petit russians or czechs and he's happy that way.
Its funny how we stress so much about everything..sometimes I wish I could be like Gilbert (apart from the occasional bathing) completely carefree!