Sunday, August 30, 2009

white dress

My mom is the best!! Usually around my birthday my folks get all flustered..neither of them know what to get me. Dad being dad found an easy! So every birthday he gives me money and says.. buy what you like. Mom on the other hand believes in the whole wrapped presents being opened and the excitement of birthdays. I 've been going on about this white dress I saw at forever new.. and I knew i should have bought it then..but didn't and have been cribbing ever since. Mom actually went there and told the sales woman all about the dress and since I'd described it all dreamily neither of them could find it.
She eventually called me and let go of the suprise.. sad thing though they no longer had my size :(.. but still I think that was a really sweet gesture..awww..thanks mom!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Oddly enough whenever food cravings strike (usually at my desk around 11am) I remember 'yummies'. A local potato based snack that we used to get in our school canteen. It cost all of 2 bucks and you can imagine the rush during the short ten minute break...people piled over each other trying to get the attention of the canteen lady!! I can't think of anyone who didn't love the stuff.. my favourite was onion and lime or nimbu masala.. god i miss those things. So memories never die I guess.. I still look out for them :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

purple toes!

Long weekends can have this impact on me. I usually get away with neatly trimmed nails and a coat of sheer gloss...but this time round M wanted me to try purple.. they almost felt like alien feet... I think I spent more time looking at my toes than doing anything it had to take it off and now strangely I miss it..note to self.. must go back to mac sometime!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Funny ways

Was recently thinking about this thing we all have an eternal need to obsess about- Love... yup, when you're a little down in the dumps, that's pretty much all you see around you..smug happy couples- don't you want to slap them!! humpphhh.
It took me back to one valentine's day where.. of course I was pretending to be above all the gift giving love sap and had convinced 'guns' of the same too... but actually was pretty mad that he hadn't bothered to wish me or worse go through the whole charade that I had pretended not to care about. Anyway lunch time, guns rings the bell and is standing there with a flower pot.. he then says, yup everyone else's flowers will wilt in a day..but your plant will last forever... call it ham if you want to, but thats the SAP!! the real mc coy.
So yeah... this was just to remind myself.. that in the end its not the bunch of flowers but the things that last 'with roots' :)